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Book no.1

Null & Void

Cover of Null & Void

August 15th

Null & Void, adjective: having no force, binding power, or validity.
Worthless. Valueless. Useless.


There is only one thing worse than being born a Patron of the Divine; being branded Null & Void.

Absent of a Gift.

After enduring a life of servitude, Mika, retired assassin and Null, thought she would live out her days alone…

But, once an assassin, always an assassin.

When Mika is sold as a slave—a fate she was promised would never be hers—hope for a solitary life is lost.

Now destined for an impossible rescue in a foreign land, her only chance for survival is to fight the destructive rage simmering beneath her skin and learn to trust those around her.

As trust deepens on the journey and a charming new companion fights for her heart, Mika is forced to face the truth of who she is. In the end, she must choose to embrace it or let the rage win, and risk losing it all.

Null & Void is the first book in a new series featuring a harsh fantasy world, political intrigue, and a morally grey heroine caught in the middle. Perfect for fans of Gild, Daughter of No Worlds, Lady of Darkness, and Graceling.

Trigger/Content warnings

Alcohol abuse


Death of a loved one

Death of an animal

Explicit language

Explicit sexual content

Forced medical procedures

Forced sterilisation

Graphic violence



Non-consensual sex references (forced sex work)

Sexual assault (not by main characters)

Suicidal ideation



  • Aging-Up – Patrons moving into secondary housing at the age of thirteen

  • Avyon – Enormous creature of flight originating in Sadori

  • Cacote – An earthy and nutty substance (like chocolate)

  • Coming-Of-Age – Patrons being available to purchase at the age of twenty-one

  • Doxy – Concubine

  • Drogalyf – Plant; can be smoked or chewed for a euphoric feeling

  • Firecat – Small fire-breathing feline-like creature originating in Erdu

  • Gift – An ability or enhanced skill

  • Junky – Patron of the Divine with a useless or boring Gift

  • Moon – A month

  • Mutt – Mixed nation blood

  • Null – Patron of the Divine with no Gift

  • Ofori – Plant; ingested by steeping and drinking. Makes you care less

  • Patron of the Divine – A person born with violet eyes (usually with a Gift)

  • Peacekeeper – Nulls or Junkies with the assignment of guarding and policing

  • Revolution, or Rev – A year

  • Skin Traders – Mercenaries involved in the trade of people (usually sexually motivated)

  • Snowolf – Large, shaggy working canine originating in Mieva

  • Talamu – A card game consisting of two teams of two competing

  • “-born” country suffix – The blood that runs in your veins and colours your eyes

  • “Of-” country prefix – Both your citizenship and your last name

pronunciation guide


Amarilyss – AM-AH-RILL-ISS

Anerea – AH-NEAR-EE-AH

Aurelius – OR-RELL-EE-YUS

Bitty – BITT-EE

Cristoph – CRISS-TOFF

Eryn – EH-RINN

Jaena – JAY-NAH

Gamiyan – GAM-EYE-AHN

Leian – LAY-ANN

Lylle – LIE-ALL

Mika – MEE-KAH

Nemuel – NEM-YOULL

Neoniri – NEE-OH-NEAR-EE

Noha – NOE-HA

Pasha – PAH-SHAH

Riley – RYE-LEE

Stol – STOAL

Tovi – TOE-VEE

Ziemia – ZYEM-YAH


Erdu – ERR-DOO

Laguz – LAH-GOOZ

Mieva – MYEH-VAH

Nemoris – NEH-MORE-ISS

Osraed – OZ-RAID

Sadori – SAH-DOOR-EE




Drogalyf – DROE-GAH-LEAF

Elomak – ELL-OH-MACK

Faegel [Berries] – FAY-GULL

Frasteria – FRAS-TEAR-EE-YAH

Kakahu [Leaf] – KAH-KAH-HOO

Ofori – OH-FORE-EE

Ritha [Nuts] – REE-TAH

Talamu – TAL-AH-MOO


Forsto – FORSS-TOE

Holbec – HOLL-BECK

Jundamara – JUN-DAH-MARR-AH

Koppa – KOPP-AH

Lyngby – LING-BEE

Norli – NORE-LEE

Teorann – TEE-OR-RAN

Vavabora – VAH-VAH-BORE-AH

Waadi – WAH-DEE

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