Art Commissions
All the art I have commissioned and the wonderful artists who made it

R. Moody Logo
By Helena | Tomorrows Problem
My awesome author logo was created by Helena
@tomorrows.problem on social media
"Why is it you look scared of me?"
By Lucia Escoriza | Luciel Art
This amazing piece of art was created by Lucia
@lucielart on social media

"Step on me Mommy"
By Pennie Beresford | Penellope
This incredible piece of art was created by Pennie
@penellope.art on social media
"Can I kiss you?"
By Ellie | Mage On Duty
This breathtaking piece of art was created by Ellie
@mageonduty on social media

"The whole gang"
By Athena Bliss | Spawn of Echidna
This stunning group shot was created by Athena
@spawn_of_echidna on social media
"Say you feel nothing"
By Fla | Flavie5dub

"Kiss someone else"
By Snow | Snow W.


"Sweet Girl"
By Mikki | Art by Mikki
"You Seem Unhinged"
By Shannon | Shannon Maree Art
This cheeky (not at all canon) piece art was made by Shannon
@shannonmaree.art on social media

"Exciting and Terrifying"
By Sweet | Sweet Acree Art
This phenomenal piece of art was made by Sweet
@sweetacreeart on social media