About R. Moody
Meet the Team

Rae Moody
As a debut indie author, R. Moody has an interest in all things fantasy and worlds that don't exist. You can expect to read about whimsical realities, political intrigue, and romance with a dash (or more) of spice.
She hopes you like kicking your feet and giggling with slow burns, fanning yourself from the spicy heat, crying—from devastation one moment to joy the next—and immersing yourself in new and exciting worlds.
R. Moody is a dreamer, one who first followed her head with numbers before her heart for stories.
An accountant for a Not-For-Profit in youth mental health, Rae spends her free time reading, writing, or researching her next fantasy romance novel to get lost in. Living in Melbourne, Australia, with her partner and angry-looking cat, Rae is the only one who uses the bookshelves; the other two don’t read as voraciously.
Personal Assistant
Savvy (Sauvignon Blanc) is a chocolate Burmese cat.
At the ripe young age of (almost) 13 years old, she loves nothing more than to be literally everywhere inconvenient for Rae.
Space to move her mouse? Not required. Freedom to type? Unnecessary. The ability to breathe unhindered? Absolutely offensive to her 5kg self. She does not hinder Rae by sitting directly on her chest. The accusation alone is outrageous.
Finding creativity in the smallest of pursuits, Savvy believes the occasional projectile spew and sprinkle of cat fur on every single surface imaginable is absolutely integral to her process.
Being Rae's PA is more than a career, it's a lifestyle, and one that Savvy takes very seriously. From sleeping 22.7 hours a day (on Rae's workspace or chest), to sprinting up and down the wooden stairs at 3am; nothing is more important than keeping Rae on track for her writing.
